Friday, November 6, 2009

Stay Classy, New Mexico

I can't believe the BYU players kept their heads. I know I couldn't have.

As many of you know, I'm a fiery guy on the field/court as well, and I understand that the BYU players may have provoked her. But her response was beyond dirty play -- it was dangerous. She has been "suspended indefinitely" by her coach. We'll see what that means.

Was it worth it, Liz?


Malerie said...

Whoa. She looks like an angry person all around. Weird...

chelsea mckell said...


Samantha said...

Yikes, she is downright scary! I missed you blog posts! I am getting so excited for Christmas, and for you to be here!

Tarawhiti Girl said...

You want to know something funny,they played this on the sports news in New Zealand!!!! They played on the 6pm news and the 10:30 news on both main channels (yes we only have 2 channels that play the news ha ha!!!!). As soon as I saw BYU I was like what the flippin heck!!! Man if that happen in NZ the whole crowd would have been on the field. So yes BYU made NZ news!!! I miss you guys heaps!!!