Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Madeline Marie Weed

Today, my daughter turns five months old. She was born on January 3, and we hadn't really decided on a name for her. During the delivery, everyone--doctors, sonagraphers, janitors--seemed to think she was face down, which is the preferred position. Her birth was a little bit complicated, and when it finally happened, much to everyone's amazement, she was face up. It's like she came out ready to face and take on the world and do things the way she wanted them done. This reminded me of Madeline from the children's books, and we settled on "Madeline" as her name.

Madeline and strength go together in my mind. She's always been physically strong; even in the delivery room they remarked about her muscle tone. She could hold her own head up before she was a month old. She's also strong-willed, and refuses to give up easily, when we try to keep her eyes away from the TV, for instance. Finally, she has been a source of personal strength to me as a father and as a human being trying to do the right thing.

She has brown eyes just like me.


Malerie said...

My favorite people :) You are a great daddy!

Mom B said...

Loved your post! Amazing how our children inspire us....

Mom B said...
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Lauren Ricci said...

What a great story! Thanks for sharing! Can't wait till we can meet strong little Madeline Marie Weed :-)

Annette said...

That first picture is so darling, I see a lot of Malerie in that one. Her eyes really are beautiful. Parenting is such a rich experience.